Sergi Vazquez Maymir graduated in Law and in Business Management and Administration at the Pompeu Fabra University of Barcelona. He holds a LLM in Law & Technology from Tilburg University (Distinction 2017). His master thesis discussed the necessity and proportionality of recent developments in EU border checks through the prism of privacy and data protection. Since 2011 Sergi is a qualified lawyer and member of the Barcelona BAR association.
Before starting his doctoral research at VUB, he worked as a legal Trainee at Secretariat of the Commission for the Control of INTERPOL´s Files (CCF). Prior that Sergi hold a student-assistant position at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT), performing research on English criminal-procedural law in relation to new technological developments and privacy for police investigation within Prof. Bert-Jaap Koop’s VICI project.
His research is focused on implications of technological developments in terms of legal problems and solutions, especially concerning the fields Cybercrime, Cybersecurity, Surveillance, European Criminal Law, Data Protection & Privacy. At VUB his research will also comprise mutual legal assistance, extraterritorial jurisdiction and sovereignty in cyberspace.
In addition his research as a doctoral candidate at VUB, Sergi contributed to the LIVE_FOR project till December 2018. At present, he is working on the SYSTEM and and REBUILT projects.
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Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel