After having given gave a presentation during the 4th International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots, FRC member, Carlotta Rigotti, published her paper "How to Apply Asimov's First Law to Sex Robots" on Paladyn, Journal of Behavioral Robotics.
Sex robots may be surfacing in recent controversy, but they are certainly not a novelty in the academic debate. However, given the lack of legal reasoning in this field of research, this article aims at examining the balancing of the fundamental rights involved in the sex robots’ manufacture and usage, taking Asimov’s first law as the main starting point and with an eye to a future lawmaking process. Specifically, Section 1 gives a brief overview on how to define sex robots, while distinguishing them from sex toys and pornography. Section 2 interprets Asimov’s first law in order to apply it to sex robots. Section 3 develops a pertaining legal reasoning based on competing fundamental rights, i.e. the user’s sexual freedom and the manufacturer’s freedom of enterprise versus the gender dignity and right to equality. Finally, the conclusions review the main findings and address considerations to policymakers.