table “The European Investigation Order: Challenges to Fundamental Rights and Sovereignty in the Digital Age” that took place in Brussels on 15 January 2018.
The round table addressed cross border access to electronic evidence and judicial cooperation examining its fundamental elements and addressing some of its current and future challenges surrounding the notions sovereignty, territoriality and jurisdiction, individual´s fundamental rights and the work of law enforcement authorities in the digital era.
The round table was structured in two sections, the first of them led by Professor Mireille Hildebrandt who focused on the history of sovereignty and its practice. The second part was carried by Professor Catherine Van de Heyning and discussed Law enforcement and procedural elements of e-evidence gathering.
Each of the two sections were additionally discussed by Professor Gloria González Fuster and Professor Paul De Hert.
If you missed the workshop, then it is possible to catch up with the Summary and Video .