Kristin Henrard
Prof. Kristin Henrard is Professor of International Law at the Institute of European Studies and Vesalius College. She has more than 160 publications, a substantial part of which pertain to human rights and minorities, ranging from educational rights, linguistic rights, to the prohibition of (racial) discrimination (the various dimensions of the right to equal treatment), socio-economic and political participation and religious fundamental rights. Several of her publications elaborate on the role of international courts and their legitimacy concerns (in this respect). She continuously expands her range to multi-disciplinary papers, particularly pertaining to integration, and citizenship.
From February 2005 to May 2010 she worked on her VIDI- project which was granted by the Dutch Council for Scientific Research regarding the implications for minority protection of the Race Equality Directive. Between March 2005 and March 2010 she was member of The Young Academy of the Dutch Academy of Science.
Prof. Henrard has held visiting fellowships at the Max Planck Institute on Ethnic and Religious Diversity (Göttingen, Germany); the Centre d’Etudes Ethniques des Universités Montréaloises (Québec, Canada) and the African Centre for Migration and Society (Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa). She is Senior non-resident Researcher at the European Centre on Minority Issues (Flensburg, Germany).
She teaches a variety of courses on public international law, human rights and the law of migration.
The past few years she has also worked on the intersection of fundamental rights, on the one hand, and social and philosophical approaches to integration (dilemmas), on the other. More recently she is working on ‘vulnerability’ as marker in human rights monitoring, and also on ‘nationality’/’legal’ citizenship. Throughout her work she has critically reviewed the work of international courts, and particularly the quality of their legal reasoning, especially as related to the grant of discretion/a margin of appreciation to state parties.
Prof. Henrard is the author of two monographs: Minority Protection in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Human Rights, Minority Rights and Self-Determination, (Greenwood Press, 2002); Devising an Adequate System of Minority Protection: Individual Human Rights, Minority Rights and the Right to Self-Determination (Martinus Nijhoff, 2000). Prof. Henrard (co)edited 5 volumes, including Synergies in Minority Protection: European and International Law Perspectives(Cambridge University Press, 2008).
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1050 Brussel