Julia Muraszkiewicz
Julia holds a BA (Honours) from Warwick University in Economics, Politics and International Studies and an LL.M degree from Warwick University in International Development Law and Human Rights. She has also completed the Bar Vocational Course ('The UK Bar'). On completing the Bar she went to New York as an intern at the European Union Delegation to the United Nations; there she followed the work of third commission and attended a series of human rights focused meetings. Julia has been enrolled at VUB since February 2013 as a PhD Candidate. She conducts research on human trafficking exploring the situation of victims of human trafficking after they have seized to be trafficked. The research scrutinises the matters at hand from a criminal, immigration and human rights point of view. Julia has been involved in successfully bidding for European Projects & Proposals on trafficking in human beings through the FP7 programs. Julia has also been seconded to Eldy NGO in Italy to work on an FP7 project entitled Value Ageing, which is a 48-month Marie Curie programme based on joint research between industry and academia and purported to incorporate European fundamental values into information and communication technology (ICT) for ageing.
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1050 Brussels