Inès Gallala obtained a Master's degree in Criminal Law and one in Law in an International Context at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). During her university years, she was engaged in various social activities and assisting in research projects conducted by the Fundamental Rights and Constitutionalism (FRC) group.
She worked on different human rights projects as a member of the Belgian National Focal Point for the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) and on various other projects concerning Criminal Law and Human Rights Law.
Since October 2014, Inès is a doctoral researcher at the VUB in the department of Metajuridica. Her main focus lies on the use of forensic DNA in criminal cases; the legal implications, the future developments and the interdisciplinary character hereof. Her global research interests cover all issues of Belgian/International/European Criminal Law, International and European Human Rights Law and all Interdisciplinary Studies.
For research purposes, she spent several months with the Belgian Privacy Commission (CBPL/CPVP). She is also currently working in close cooperation with the National Institute for Criminalistics and Criminology (NICC) in light of a Belspo-funded project called ‘Be-Gen: Understanding the operational, strategic and political implications of the National Genetic Database'.
Another project she is involved in, funded by the European Commission, is called the 'European Forensic Educational Network' (EFEN). Representing the only institution in Belgium that offers forensic education (VUB-EhB), she works with partners from The Netherlands, Italy and the United Kingdom in order to establish a transnational European forensic educational network.
She also coordinates the summarizing section of the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights in the Journal of Criminal Law (Tijdschrift voor Strafrecht).
Building B
Pleinlaan 2
1050 Brussel