Derek Inman and Marijke de Pauw, FRC Researchers organised a seminar that focuses upon the possible options for PhD researchers who specialise in human rights.
The seminar considered the possibility of pursuing an academic career, with interventions from Dr. Harri Kalimo, Institute for European Studies, Nik Claesen, European Liaison Office (VUB) and Dr. Olivier Boehme, Research Foundation Flanders (FWO). A second session was dedicated to careers in non-academic sectors with contributions from Alexander Hoefmans, FOD Justitie/SPF Justice/FPS Justice, Nathalie Meurens, Milieu Consulting and Thijs van Laer, Human Rights Watch. FRC Co-Director, Prof. Stefaan Smis facilitated the event.
Despite the seminar being held during the Easter holidays, the 15-20 participants felt optimistic for the future, which will greatly assist those who are at the final stages of their PhD and are wondering how the next stage of their careers will unfold.