On 28 September 2018, FRC member, Amy Weatherburn, will present her doctoral research at the final conference of the Rights at Work project entitled Tackling labour exploitation in Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and the Netherlands, organised by La Strada International, SOMO and FairWork in the Netherlands, in close cooperation with Animus Association Foundation in Bulgaria, La Strada and the Association for Legal Intervention (SIP) in Poland and AIDROM in Romania.
The conference will address questions of labour migration and human trafficking including:
- How can labour rights infringements and exploitation be prevented and addressed in Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and the Netherlands?
- What are major gaps in European national policy and practice that hamper an effective approach?
- How should trade unions, migrant rights and anti-trafficking groups, and other relevant stakeholders (law enforcement and labour inspections) work together to tackle exploitation and support trafficked and exploited persons?
- How can we make employers and the private sector more accountable and make use of the business and human rights framework to ensure effective complaint mechanisms and remedies?
Amy's presentation is entitled "Understanding labour exploitation: seeking clarification in law and effective implementation in practice."