We are happy to announce that FRC member, Sibel Top, has been selected for the finals of the #ThesisThread competition.
The #ThesisThreat competition is an initiative by the Doctoral Schools of the five Flemish universities to promote the development of science communication skills amongst (nearly and recently graduated) PhD candidates.
The aim is to provide PhD candidates in the last year of their PhD projects and those who have defended their PhD within the last six months with the opportunity to broadcast their research, their methodologies and their findings to a broad audience in society. To this end, VLIR is organising a competition in which PhD candidates can compete by submitting a thread of tweets highlighting their research and findings on Twitter. The challenge is to translate scientific findings into easily accessible, simple and engaging language, making use of the possibilities and handling the restrictions of the medium of Twitter.
For further information on the #ThesisThread, click here.
To check out Sibel's #ThesisThread, click here.