Right now Europe is facing an increasing risk of radicalisation; consequently a common infrastructure is required in order to effectively intervene against all forms of violent extremism.
The EU-funded EXIT Europe project (1/01/19 - 31/03/21) aims at developing locally embedded exit programs across Europe, especially where they are most lacking, such as in the Southern and Eastern regions. To achieve this, the local programs will be civil-society based, have a cross-extremisms perspective, be multi-agency and directly embedded in local community PVE networks as well as connected to security agencies. Furthermore existing expertise on de-radicalisation practice from RAN, Efus, EENeT, the Austrian exit pilot and the German “Live Democracy!” program will be mustered; whereas the so-called "triangular exit facilitation approach" (AT) and elements from restorative justice and gender-focus work will be introduced in this field.