The Desire Project seeks to better understand the impact of different models of sex work on the prevalence of trafficking in human beings. To that purpose, we have selected four countries on basis of their very different approach towards sex work in which we are now doing fieldwork. These countries are Croatia, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden. The fieldwork there includes interviews with various stakeholders - such as NGO workers, policy makers, sex workers, law enforcement officials, trafficking survivors and the general public - in order to better understand their approach to sex work, sexual exploitation and trafficking for purposes of sexual exploitation, and the laws and policies regulating sex work.
On 19 June 2018, the DESIRE project partners will present the findings from their empirical research and discuss them with various experts from different countries. The workshop will provide you with an opportunity to have first hand information about the situations in these countries and enable you to learn about the different approaches and views that exist and confront them.